Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.

pirms 1 gada
  1. # Changelog
  2. All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
  3. ### [2.1.13]( (2021-01-19)
  4. ### Bug Fixes
  5. * **bug:** bug ([025823b](, closes [#435](
  6. * **bug:** bug ([a8ff967](, closes [#398](
  7. * **bug:** bug ([deb3a96](
  8. * **bug:** bug ([5ce1f4a](, closes [#433](
  9. * **bug:** bug ([932e821](, closes [#423]( [#424](
  10. * **bug:** bug ([06636f6](, closes [#154]( [#410]( [#416](
  11. * **bug:** history bug ([973eec8](
  12. * **bug:** setRangeFormat history ([065148b](
  13. * **bug:** setRangeShow api ([5bbc45b](
  14. * bug ([7412c5b](
  15. * **bug:** 文本自动换行bug ([bc926e5](
  16. * 换行 ([94022a4](
  17. * **bug:** 渲染换行空行 ([4162b7a](
  18. * **hook:** cellrender ([d444980](
  19. * **let:** let declar ([71ade32](
  20. * **pivottable:** fix ([7cecb12](, closes [#439]( [#447](
  21. * **pivottable:** init ([5b19e8b](
  22. * **pivottable:** refresh ([78330c9](
  23. ### [2.1.12]( (2020-12-22)
  24. ### Features
  25. * **api:** find ([ea97233](
  26. ### Bug Fixes
  27. * **bug:** bug ([9357792](, closes [#359]( [#360]( [#376]( [#382](
  28. * **bug:** bug ([19560eb](, closes [#367]( [#370](
  29. * **bug:** bug ([0f257e8](, closes [#361]( [#364]( [#365](
  30. * **bug:** copy bug ([2bcbab9](
  31. * **feature:** functionButton ([5983cb0](, closes [#336]( [#381](
  32. * copy ([d177cc8](
  33. ### [2.1.10]( (2020-12-18)
  34. ### Bug Fixes
  35. * **rowtitle:** bug ([8faeffe](
  36. ### [2.1.9]( (2020-12-17)
  37. ### Bug Fixes
  38. * **bug:** bug ([54ae143](, closes [#222]( [#355](
  39. * **numeral:** userInfo ([871d381](, closes [#338](
  40. ### [2.1.8]( (2020-12-16)
  42. * **bug:** n
  43. ### Features
  44. * **api add:** image ([16131b2](, closes [#270](
  45. * **changlang:** changLang ([cbc81e9](, closes [#318](
  46. * **collaborative editing:** collaborative editing ([6fe8726](, closes [#199]( [#201]( [#202](
  47. * **condition format:** formula condition ([6c98bde](, closes [#186](
  48. * **demo:** proxy ([bc64807](
  49. * **feature:** closeWebsocket api and ctrl ; ([9153bc7](, closes [#328]( [#326](
  50. * **hook:** add ([2c6b1c2](
  51. * **print feature:** develop ([a0921b6](
  52. ### Bug Fixes
  53. * **add forcecaculation config:** add ([e96d210](
  54. * **bug:** bug ([95e26c3](, closes [#330](
  55. * **bug:** bug ([c003f8a](, closes [#184]( [#337](
  56. * **bug:** bug ([4900b4a](, closes [#331](
  57. * **bug:** bug ([b93ea6b](, closes [#284]( [#296](
  58. * **bug:** bug ([57ff2b9](, closes [#182]( [#220](
  59. * **bug:** bug ([31bdc4f](, closes [#263](
  60. * **bug:** bug ([385bc03](, closes [#243]( [#226](
  61. * **bug:** bug ([88aa6c5](, closes [#278]( [#276]( [#267]( [#215](
  62. * **bug:** copy to excel ([5cf72ec](, closes [#319](
  63. * **bug:** data verification range select ([6d60679](
  64. * **cell:** render ([ba21140](
  65. * **demo:** websocket url ([cf77ec3](
  66. * **dynamic array refresh fix:** fix ([b7d634f](
  67. * **fix #209:** highlight ([ab2d8b7](, closes [#209](
  68. * **fix #209 ,fix #219:** highlight follow checkout keep highlight ([c547596](, closes [#209]( [#219](
  69. * **fix #209 fix #219:** highlight follow checkout page ([0a5ca86](, closes [#209]( [#219](
  70. * **fix #209 fix #219:** highlight follow, checkout keep highlight ([2c7b0bb](, closes [#209]( [#219](
  71. * **fix #290:** userinfo ([80d67e1](, closes [#290](
  72. * **fix #290:** userinfo ([dddfc8f](, closes [#290](
  73. * **fix #290:** userinfo ([27a770e](, closes [#290](
  74. * **main canvas:** bottom space ([23c8a78](
  75. * **tojson:** bug ([1c94783](
  76. * setCellValue API 可设置自定义的属性,不显式设置v, v 不会丢失 ([6d45cf2](
  77. * jfrefreshgrid 函数第二个参数应该是个数组 ([c7cf87a](
  78. * setCellFormat data 引用 ([ed50e47](
  79. * setCellValue 刷新页面时的历史记录问题 ([a2cf969](
  80. * 修复alert ([94e0020](
  81. * 修复主动关闭socket仍然alert弹窗 ([e0bdb2c](
  82. * 修复主动关闭socket定时器仍运行问题 ([82a8731](
  83. * 初始化表单状态下标调整 ([3a54312](
  84. * 复制选区虚线框正确显示 ([9d6a2ee](
  85. * 解决单击非时间日期单元格后还会跳出日期时间弹框 ([fc9eb4e](
  86. * **fix forcecaculation feature:** complete ([7568ceb](
  87. * **formula contain text bug:** add iscell method ([89358d3](
  88. * **formula update fix:** formula update only one level, when cell value change. Fix it ([cf6c5be](
  89. ### [2.1.7]( (2020-11-26)
  90. ### Features
  91. * **demo:** tool function ([3baf93c](
  92. * 修改日期能够正常的弹出格式框和设置对应格式的日期时间 ([2c27044](
  93. * 修改日期能够正常的弹出格式框和设置对应格式的日期时间 ([67c44e7](
  94. ### Bug Fixes
  95. * **formula:** function ([dad6e2b](
  96. * **formular:** docs ([ddac582](
  97. * **hook:** function ([fb43a56](
  98. * **hook function:** cellupdate ([5e8f71f](
  99. * ie11右下角菜单图标会出现错位 ([34fd6e7](
  100. * 重复create会出现很多问题 ([8f22790](
  101. ### [2.1.6]( (2020-11-23)
  103. * yes
  104. q
  105. ### Features
  106. * **api:** hook function ([a0db530](
  107. * **hook:** add hook function ([215dec2](
  108. * q ([54a42a2](
  109. * **bottom alignment of english letters:** fix ([a596d2f](
  110. * **config:** sheetRightClickConfig ([59c7cb3](
  111. * add underline button ([df56ba6](
  112. * use npm dependencies ([e4bd439](
  113. * **row and column width:** batch change the height and width of the selected row and column ([956bd2a](
  114. ### Bug Fixes
  115. * **bug fix:** [#26]( [#91]( ([a26ffd8](
  116. * **cooperative:** bug ([9e48c72](
  117. * **demo:** ie11 ([e7ddc39](, closes [#234](
  118. * **fix #212:** cancel highlight ([289d3ef](, closes [#212](
  119. * **fix #219:** checkout ([15dca04](, closes [#219](
  120. * **fix #219:** clear info ([080f027](, closes [#219](
  121. * sheet menu position ([a40f679](
  122. * **iconfont:** conflict ([bf4d539](
  123. * **mousemove hook error:** fix ([89b93e7](
  124. ### [2.1.5]( (2020-11-03)
  125. ### Features
  126. * **cell date picker:** cell date picker and bug solve ([2996ae9](
  127. * **cell hooks add:** go to document for detail ([927ff46](
  128. * **config:** custom menu button config ([14eb78e](
  129. * **config:** sheetbar ([3555746](
  130. * **date format:** date format Chinese ([8f8d0cb](
  131. * **hyperlink:** add hyperlink function ([439dff4](
  132. * **hyperlink:** perfect hyperlink function ([5adfc60](
  133. * **statisticbar:** config docs ([c1ed417](
  134. * **tojson:** api/docs ([8e410f5](
  135. ### Bug Fixes
  136. * **bug:** bug ([ad73f9a](, closes [#129](
  137. * **bug:** bug ([801cbe5](
  138. * **bug:** bug ([f8716c1](, closes [#67]( [#85](
  139. * **bug:** bug ([0909f5e](, closes [#142]( [#132](
  140. * **bug:** dataVerification and sheet move and delete cell bug ([4815d86](
  141. * **conflict:** conflict ([b11de26](
  142. * **conflict:** toolbar ([8cfa6ac](
  143. * **fix bug with inline string rotate wrap:** add change to max, fix height error ([1988687](
  144. * **hide row/column:** right click menu ([8070858](, closes [#37](
  145. * **restore demo:** restore demo ([e799862](
  146. ### [2.1.3]( (2020-10-22)
  147. ### Features
  148. * **api add:** getRowHeight getColumnWidth getDefaultRowHeight getDefaultColumnWidth ([a72f38b](
  149. * **api add:** setRowHeight setColumnWidth setSheetZoom setDataVerification deleteDataVerification ([0fd06cc](
  150. * **api add:** setSheetOrder refresh getScreenshot setWorkbookName undo redo ([b2a4617](
  151. * **api and config:** api exitEditMode() scroll() config defaultFontSize ([5eedc48](
  152. * **support spanish:** support Spanish ([41c527c](
  153. ### Bug Fixes
  154. * **api:** api ([14d72eb](
  155. * **bug:** postil image zoom ([76dbb5c](
  156. * **destroy function repaire:** repair ([02b9fe7](
  157. * **event name:** fix ([f64ba54](
  158. * **fix focus after formula edit:** fix ([0ee5f31](
  159. * **fix text whole text wrap bug:** fix ([ef3d324](
  160. * **function array value error:** fix it ([31e4b3d](
  161. * **function update fix:** fix bug ([28835bb](
  162. * **image:** resize and change row or column size ([05c49a2](
  163. * **image fuzzy:** fix it ([8fb1a88](
  164. * **image zoom:** fix ([1337178](
  165. * **index offset indirect fix:** improve the overall execution efficiency of the function ([7a2f8d0](
  166. * **inline style:** inline style cell delete bug ([8067a01](
  167. * **lineheight change to 0.5:** similar to excel ([760378b](
  168. * **more btn:** fix more btn align middle ([c5112e9](
  169. * **more formats toolbar:** fix more formats toolbar can't sync with cell, fix mac delete button can't delete cell, fix can't delete cell with inline-style ([23fcb13](
  170. * **selection bug:** fix it ([b83447d](
  171. * **setcellvalue delete function fix:** fix it ([00b351f](
  172. * **sheet name contains squotes bug:** formla can not execute, when sheet name contains squotes ([fc1dd83](
  173. * **text wrap postion bug:** wrap and rotation postion wrong ([9538972](
  174. * **the bug with first word is space:** fix ti ([6ae8319](
  175. * **update number add quote automatically:** similar to excel ([05b01a6](
  176. * **validation of "0" values:** fix ([7255c51](
  177. ## [2.1.0]( (2020-10-10)
  179. * **frozen,docs:** when init workbook and sheet has frozen row or column,you need init sheet's
  180. property frozen
  181. ### Features
  182. * **add autocalculationmerge sheet attribute:** it can auto calculate merge infomation ([f7e30cf](
  183. * **add force cacultion formula:** add forceCaculate parameter ([4dd82ad](
  184. * **api:** add some api functions ([37910ab](
  185. * **api:** api ([6f7ca26](
  186. * **api:** api ([66aecbe](
  187. * **api:** provides an api for users ([b176753](
  188. * **api add:** api add ([e4198fa](
  189. * **api add:** deleteRangeConditionalFormat clearRange deleteRange ([44cf72a](
  190. * **api add:** setSheetDelete setSheetCopy setSheetHide setSheetShow setSheetName setSheetColor ([62f641f](
  191. * **data verification:** data verification ([a661d30](
  192. * **data verification:** data verification ([9cbbbce](
  193. * **delete cell:** delete cell ([d7de718](
  194. * **draw use sacle:** cancel manual devicePixRatio, use context sacle ([c832283](
  195. * **drawmain efficiency optimization:** efficiency optimization ([37080fa](
  196. * **editor box position fit:** show diffrent position acording to align ([636046d](
  197. * **fix:** fix ([9830714](
  198. * **hide column:** hide column ([9f05959](
  199. * **image:** copy and paste ([33d6c96](
  200. * **image insert:** image insert ([4232dfc](
  201. * **inline string:** finished ([325b66c](
  202. * **inline string:** operation like excel ([9ac9f08](
  203. * **inline string:** when focus cell, show inline string content ([713805c](
  204. * **inline string render finished:** begin to develop edit feature ([2ffd9ae](
  205. * **insert image:** insert image ([cf3ba93](
  206. * **insert image perfect:** insert image perfect ([ad0a88a](
  207. * **mobile touch event optimized:** very smooth, good experience ([0ed0bf6](
  208. * **new style:** new style ([5c8d603](
  209. * **optimization function:** setCellvalue support any cell param ([9b208e4](
  210. * **protection feature:** protection feature similar to Excel ([a71c92a](
  211. * **zoom feature beta:** zoom in and zoom out sheet ([249aa02](
  212. * **zoom gui:** zoom plus and minus, restore origin, slider ([d70dab4](
  213. * **zoom redo undo suport:** redo undo ([4d03906](
  214. ### Bug Fixes
  215. * **a few bug fix:** fix ([f07e25d](
  216. * **add button bug:** fix ([3250ef6](
  217. * **allowedit dont work ,when press del:** allowEdit dont work ,when press DEL ([10dccec](
  218. * **array unique very slow:** fix it ([20f3cb3](
  219. * **big data slowly:** speed up ([5109873](
  220. * **blank border position:** fix ([d285d9f](
  221. * **bug:** bug ([6bb113b](
  222. * **bug:** bug ([4806de8](
  223. * **bug:** bug ([0cb1ec2](
  224. * **bug:** bug ([735d1c8](
  225. * **bug:** bug ([ad1ac61](
  226. * **bug:** bug ([27d1be0](
  227. * **bug:** bug ([dea7bbf](
  228. * **bug:** bug ([061ea20](
  229. * **bug:** bug ([ba0b047](
  230. * **bug:** bug ([7263008](
  231. * **bug:** bug ([c578c0e](
  232. * **bug:** bug ([fc8f61b](
  233. * **bug:** bug ([fb3b512](
  234. * **bug:** bug ([6236e5e](
  235. * **bug:** bug ([f057d7d](
  236. * **bug fix:** [#55]( [#50]( [#54]( ([5caf2b0](
  237. * **bug fix:** pivotTable blank title disapear, merge cell is recognized as range ([47fe25c](
  238. * **bugs:** fix issue [#27]( [#29]( ([5d57267](
  239. * **celloverflow border bug:** celloverflow border bug ([86403c2](
  240. * **change sheet:** change sheet must setTimeOut ([e51457e](
  241. * **change sheet bug:** multiple refresh canvas bug ([7a625e0](
  242. * **change sheet scroll bar fix:** change sheet scroll bar dont restore ([02d2655](
  243. * **chart:** chart ([2be467d](
  244. * **cloumn and row highlight bug:** column and row highlight bar disapear ([c806211](
  245. * **columlen:** columlen ([b656c27](
  246. * **copy cut paste bug:** bug fix ([ade56d5](
  247. * **demo fix:** fix ([3d17426](
  248. * **demo fix:** fix ([732f678](
  249. * **demo fontlist url change:** local path ([feb89b3](
  250. * **filter option bug:** position error ([3324512](
  251. * **fix:** bug fix ([52375dc](
  252. * **fix:** fix ([194dea1](
  253. * **fix bug:** param dont remenber change ([0425e4e](
  254. * **fix bugs:** fix ([bbaafe0](
  255. * **fix index.html:** fix ([e980cd9](
  256. * **fix number to column title bug:** if column title is big , it will show undefined ([2d6e73e](
  257. * **fix touch:** touch fix ([d884a69](
  258. * **fix wrap bug:** alt + enter twice bug ([789bab5](
  259. * **float calculate bug:** fix it ([ef2a96a](
  260. * **fonts bug on ie:** fit it ([f9a1546](
  261. * **format of formula cell bug fix:** if cell has format , it is no effect ([1f6ebad](
  262. * **formula -(1-2) error:** fix it ([dee2333](
  263. * **formula bug:** formula bug ([6c84420](
  264. * **formula efficiency up:** speed up ([d05151f](
  265. * **formula initialization bug:** if formula has cross sheet param, initial this ([c5f6254](
  266. * **frozen bug:** fix ([91daa07](
  267. * **frozen bug and style change:** fix bug ([7cfd0d9](
  268. * **frozen,docs:** frozen,docs ([e1bd844](
  269. * **function box input bug:** editor box and function box fix ([4ebb79d](
  270. * **green label size fix:** fix ([b0734b5](
  271. * **hide row and column fix:** add lines ([c430d66](
  272. * **hot key bug fix:** range bug when formula move selection ([f4625d1](
  273. * **image background opacity:** fix ([d61d3a0](
  274. * **image,config:** image,config ([2dddfaa](
  275. * **inline string bug:** style lost when change cell to inline string, input error ([405d90b](
  276. * **inline string finished:** fix some bus ([57e7518](
  277. * **inline string space dont recognize:** fix it ([ddc5c5d](
  278. * **input range bug:** fix it ([5412721](
  279. * **jquery error:** jquery error ([1a2fed9](
  280. * **menubutton.js fonts:** fix bug ([1e62de3](
  281. * **mobile text dose not display:** fix bug ([19922c7](
  282. * **mobile touch:** moubile touch fix ([04e2b8e](
  283. * **my english is pool:** fix ([26ff1fd](
  284. * **no fullscreen bug:** when no fullscreen , div go to top ([64f7d0e](
  285. * **normal style change bug:** fit error ([f24eb7f](
  286. * **offset indirect formula fix:** fix bug ([d8dfe50](
  287. * **old chrome dont surport actualboundingboxascent:** fix it and make it beautiful ([5c503d8](
  288. * **paste bug:** fixed ([76d966f](
  289. * **pivot table bug:** bug ([9fcc209](
  290. * **pivot table change sheet bug:** if prevous sheet is pivot table and pennel is closed, change bug ([7cac8e6](
  291. * **pivot table filter bug:** change sheet bug ,after filter pivot table ([c7c1999](
  292. * **pivot table show error:** when column area have field and row area is null,pivot table show error ([04bc51c](
  293. * **remain cell style in inline string mode:** click cell and change cell style like to Excel ([7d0438a](
  294. * **render:** render ([40550d6](
  295. * **render bug fix:** new render method ([a1bcf81](
  296. * **rotate text position mistake, when sheet zoom:** fix zoom bug, fix strike and underline bug ([6680a13](
  297. * **scroll bug:** scroll bug ([3637fa4](
  298. * **several bug and new feature:** formula calculation , quotePrefix add ([5a95304](
  299. * **sheet change arrow:** fix bug ([4a7850b](
  300. * **splines and dynamicarray bug fix:** formula calculation update is finished ([a59aa04](
  301. * **ssf column resize:** change ([2a09f59](
  302. * **store cache:** bug fix ([cbd9014](
  303. * **text get wrong height when zoom:** fix height ([106f1fd](
  304. * **toolbar:** menu button style ([d18478c](
  305. * **underline and cancelline:** add and fix ([d3f23ff](
  306. * **undo redo bug fix:** formula update bug ([373dc4f](
  307. * **update demo:** fix ([e101b91](
  308. * **updatecell bug fix:** fix undo redo ([d8b76ce](
  309. * **websocket bux:** bug ([4eda52a](
  310. * **zoom scroll position wrong:** fix ([5830e9a](
  311. * **zoom slider drag lag:** fix lag ([17ddd13](
  312. ## [2.0.0]( (2020-07-31)
  314. * **api:** 1. luckysheet.flowdata change to luckysheet.flowdata() 2.all apis list in
  315. documentation
  316. * **gulp:** demo index.html's js and css refrence change
  317. * **bug:** bug
  318. bug
  319. * **chart:** add new config : plugins, array
  320. * **main:** bug
  321. ### Features
  322. * **cell overflow:** cell overflow ([c3e4f39](
  323. * **chart:** chart ([9991702](
  324. * **chart:** chart plugin ([196362d](
  325. * d ([07d004f](
  326. * **allowedit support:** allowEdit support ([59561bb](
  327. * **bug fix:** bu ([f23ba5d](
  328. * **canvas:** canvas ([c63871f](
  329. * **chart:** add chart ([139bc6e](
  330. * **gloabe improve and bug fix:** global improve and bug fix,include formula,find and replace,filter ([e6cfa31](
  331. * **globalization fix:** pivot table , drop cell ([55d4cf2](
  332. * **locale:** locale ([4cd2ee4](
  333. * **move:** move chart ([cda6df0](
  334. * **optimiz:** optimization ([abbf592](
  335. * **rightclick menu perfect:** add rows and cols delete rows and cols hide rows and cols ([32f94a7](
  336. * **scroll style fix beautify:** scroll,sheet color and style ([63f2630](
  337. * **split handler.js to small file:** split handler.js file to seven files ([0a62ff0](
  338. * **zh en:** zh en ([040bfe4](
  339. * **zh-cn:** zh-cn ([907226c](
  340. * **zh-cn:** zh-cn ([01f9521](
  341. ### Bug Fixes
  342. * **bug:** bug ([7dff640](
  343. * **bug:** bug ([8baf378](
  344. * **bug:** bug ([5ebd31e](
  345. * **bug:** bug ([f53addb](
  346. * **bug:** bug ([9cc36cf](
  347. * **bug:** bug ([186e3c9](
  348. * **bug:** bug ([447735c](
  349. * **bug:** bug ([74639a8](
  350. * **bug:** bug ([1082ab0](
  351. * **bug fix:** sparkLines, pivot Table, change to sheet ([69aee1a](
  352. * **canvas:** canvas,function ([2445ff5](
  353. * **fix:** fix ([bd6a9bd](
  354. * **fix:** fix byg ([d9fb5fe](
  355. * **fix allowedit:** fix allowEdit attribute ([35820b3](
  356. * **from github:** github ([abd44e8](
  357. * **hot key and mousemove:** hot key fix ([1ad40cf](
  358. * **internationalization:** internationalization,formula ([c6901fc](
  359. * **linestyle bug:** lineStyle ([27ba0a3](
  360. * **locale:** locale bug ([3bd0cae](
  361. * **locale finished and bug fix:** locale finished, condition bug fix , multi range bug fix ([0aa9b3b](
  362. * **locale,formula:** locale,formula ([b11b862](
  363. * **mac scroll x reverse fix:** mac scroll x reverse fix and scroll optimization ([8eb68e8](
  364. * **main:** bug ([67ebe19](
  365. * **pivot table bug:** uni ([56181e6](
  366. ### build
  367. * **gulp:** gulpfile,index.html,pack js css ([8be0467](
  368. * **api:** api ([f19a26e](
  369. ### [1.0.1-6]( (2020-07-14)
  370. ### Bug Fixes
  371. * **core.js:** core function ([6e63969](
  372. ### [1.0.1-2]( (2020-07-14)
  373. ### [1.0.1-1]( (2020-07-14)
  374. ### 1.0.1-0 (2020-07-14)
  375. ## 2.0.0-0 (2020-07-24)
  377. * **all project:** File name change
  378. * **all project:** modular,Document promotion,Some bugs ([37c3070](, closes [#11]( [#2](