# deploy Demo npm run build cd dist git init git remote add origin https://github.com/mengshukeji/LuckysheetDemo.git git config --local user.email "1414556676@qq.com" git config --local user.name "Dushusir" git add . git commit -m 'deploy Luckysheet demo' git push -f origin master:gh-pages # =============================================== # deploy Docs npm run docs:build cd docs/.vuepress/dist git init git remote add origin https://github.com/mengshukeji/LuckysheetDocs.git git add . git commit -m 'deploy Luckysheet docs' git push -f origin master:gh-pages # =============================================== # add a tags git tag -a doc -m "doc" # replease npm run build npm run release -- --release-as patch git push --follow-tags origin master npm publish # only publish npm run build git add . npm run commit npm version patch git push -u origin master npm publish # ============================================== # test feature branch git checkout -b fea origin/feature git pull ## After some test, create PR merge feature to master branch git checkout master git branch -d fea # =============================================== # test pull request: https://docs.github.com/cn/free-pro-team@latest/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/checking-out-pull-requests-locally # 139 is ID, dev is branch name git fetch origin pull/139/head:test-139 git checkout test-139 # test code git push origin test-139 # create new PR ,merge test-139 to master # list all remote and local branchs git branch -a # delete remote branch git push origin --delete dev git checkout master # delete local branch git branch -d dev # pr ## 1. fork 到自己的仓库 ## 2. git clone 到本地 ## 3. 上游建立连接 git remote add upstream https://github.com/mengshukeji/Luckysheet.git ## 4. 创建开发分支 git checkout -b dev ## 5. 修改提交代码 git add . git commit -m "add" git push origin dev ## 6. 同步代码,将最新代码同步到本地 git fetch upstream git rebase upstream/master ## 7. 如果有冲突(没有可以略过) git status # 查看冲突文件,并修改冲突 git add . git rebase --continue ## 8.提交分支代码 git push origin dev ## 7. 提交pr 去自己github仓库对应fork的项目下new pull request